The Importance of Having a "Why"

"..find out what is driving you to pick yourself back up after you fall over and over and over again."

There is always a reason behind everything. A reason behind why the sky is blue and the grass is green. Why the earth revolves around the sun instead of the other way around. There’s a reason why we blink, why we talk, why we breathe. Of course I can go on and on about why this and why that. It’s a 5 year old’s favorite question, and as annoying as it may be, WHY can it be so hard to answer the question why?

I have been pursuing physical therapy since high school, stemming from a passion of sports and an inquisition on my multiple injuries I acquired throughout my high school career. Does this story ring a bell? Something had to happen in your life to bring you here, right now, reading this blog on the Pre-PT Grind. If you were anything like me, you have tried to apply to PT school and got rejected. Maybe, you are even more like me and failed to get accepted for the second time in a row. Are you nervous, afraid or even anxious about the new application cycle that’s officially opened? I’m not. Let me tell you WHY 

You see, there are people that are counting on me to achieve my goals. I know that’s a lot of pressure to place on my shoulders, but it’s true! I come from an immigrant family that managed to make their way here to America to create better opportunity for themselves and their children. That would make me a first generation minority that successfully graduated college. Though some say that this is an accomplishment in itself, my journey cannot and will not stop there. I know that my potential to do great things in life are limitless and I can’t sell myself short now after coming this far. My parents did all that they could for my siblings and I, so why should I be the one to settle for any less?

"Trust that your passions will become your purpose if you just hold yourself accountable." 

If I stop to think exactly why I want to be a physical therapist, my reason HAS to be more than just about making my parents proud. Living a life for the sake of someone else would most likely make me feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Now, I am not saying that I shouldn’t humble myself and serve our community. After all, that’s moderately what physical therapists do. What I am saying is that external forces can only help to an extent and that you need to have your purpose come from WITHIN. What I mean by that is find out what is driving you to pick yourself back up after you fall over and over and over again. What helps you move forward when you face adversity? Let me tell you, my parents weren’t there advising me everyday to sign up for classes, retake the GRE, or even there to push me to apply. Heck, for the most part, they were very discouraging, confessing that I should give up, stop wasting time and do something else. If you were me, would you have listened? I really hope not. Because even though you may not have others around believe in your potential, there is always going to be someone else that wishes you did. Keep pushing forward, you can and will make a difference! Live your life with intention and passion, regardless if you have others try to bring you down. When you follow your passion, success will follow right behind it. If you keep reminding yourself this and drive your actions with strong internal motives, you will be less likely to quit when you feel unmotivated and when the going gets tough.

So, how bad do you want to become a physical therapist? If this is truly your calling in life, like it is for me, reflect on why you wanted to be a physical therapist in the first place. Trust that your passions will become your purpose if you just hold yourself accountable. People are counting on you to be your best self, so what are you waiting for and get to working on those applications!

-Ariana Gomez



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Put your anxiety at EASE. Understand your next moves in your Pre-PT Grind and DOMINATE this application cycle! Check your worries at the door with this checklist and GET INTO PT SCHOOL this cycle! Click here to get your FREE checklist!

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Pre-PT Grind Podcast: Experience is the best teacher, preferably the experiences of others. A weekly audio experience to serve you on the go. Listen to the Pre-PT Grind Podcast on iTunes & Libsyn.


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