The Only Way To Be Successful as a Pre PT

Here are some key things you should know.. because I want to make sure you dominate. One thing that can hold you back as a pre-PT is not taking it upon yourself to figure out what the solution is. It is important when reflecting on your solutions that you are not blaming others, like blaming professors for your low GPA. Listen, we all had crappy professors, but in this situation where you have a low GPA, I want you to think “What am I going to do about it?” I want you to take action right now on those situations. The second you put your success on someone else you have failed but the second you put your success on yourself, you succeed. When you take action on your success it is completely different and it's not passive.

There are three key steps to be successful, number one, you got to do the work. What I meant by doing the work is to figure out what action to take and just do it. An example of this is doing the work to match ourselves up for those PT schools. Or if you are retakin...

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The Day I Almost Did NOT Become a PT

I'm going to share a story with you today about how I almost did not become a PT. I lived in Michigan for about 18 years.  I was in high school; one time every year, at my school, they would bring different professionals like a career day. I was focusing on two different professions which were becoming a lawyer and becoming a physician. My parents had expectations of me becoming a lawyer, engineer, physician, a minister, or something that my family would have seen as respectable. I just never fully felt like that was my calling. In school, we had an event where you had to register for which profession you wanted to listen to before being able to go listen to the professionals talking. But the two I wanted to go to were full. So I chose the next profession which most of my friends registered for and, this was a physical therapist. So I had no idea what a physical therapist was. I didn't know the difference between a PT or a regular therapist. 

I do remember being in mid-conversation ...

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PT School Is TOO Expensive!

There's one topic in particular that a lot of people question, "I'm considering not doing PT anymore because of how expensive PT school is." If you are locked into physical therapy, great! But if at any point you ever felt this concern, you are not alone and should continue reading. Now, my question to you, have you ever asked yourself that question, even if it was for a split second? But I'm telling you right now, this is a question that most people have asked because of the cost of physical therapy education, and we'll explain a little bit more. The cost of a PT school education has gone up.. people that went to PT school 20 years ago were not paying anywhere close to what most students are paying now, and this is the reality.

I'm not going to lie, PT is pricey, but so are all other health care programs. Do I wish PT school was less expensive? Absolutely! Anything to reduce loads and reduce debt- I'm here for it. But let's understand that this is a massive thing that's impacting h...

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