Physical Therapy Interview Advice: Things To Do Before And After Your Interview

You can't really explain that feeling when you get an email saying, "You've been invited to a physical therapy interview day!" You'll start to get butterflies and be really nervous, but that's totally normal. You have worked SO hard to get to this step in your pre-PT journey, and you DESERVE IT! Now, it's your time to shine and show that PT program why you deserve to hold a seat in their class.

PT programs invite applicants to interviews because they really want to know what type of person you are and how you might fit into their program. Each program has their own "style," and they really want to see if it's a good fit for you too. They want to see how you present yourself (especially in a stressful situation), how you dress, and how you communicate with others. It may not seem like it, but PT programs do look at the little things too! Here are a few things that you can do before and after your physical therapy interview to help put you in the best position to get into PT school:


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Should Physical Therapy School Rankings And Location Matter?

One question we get from pre-PT students a lot is “should physical therapy school rankings and location matter?” Let’s say you’re specifically looking at this one school that has a ton of great reviews, it’s known for being prestigious, and you’re thinking it might look good on your resume when you’re trying to find jobs. The real question is, does all of that matter to you? Because if you care about that, then it matters, right? You’re the one going to that school. You’re the one putting in 3 years of doctorate level schooling. You’re the one paying tuition.

But in general, applying to physical therapy school is not like applying to medical school. Location or rankings do not matter when applying to physical therapy school. It’s not necessarily like med school where your future employer might look at your resume and say, “Oh, you went to Harvard, that’s a very prestigious school.” In that profession, yeah, they might look at where you went. Some employers might only take Harvard grad...

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How To Make Extra Money As A Pre-PT And PT Student!

Let’s face it, undergraduate loans and future graduate school loans all ADD UP. It can almost feel like you’re drowning in money that you don’t have. One of the biggest questions we get from pre-PT students is: “How can I make more money before I start PT school? And what about when I’m a PT student?” What’s a good “side hustle”?

Who DOESN’T want to make money? While having money right now in the present is great, you have to think about the bigger picture too. Looking at the bigger picture will allow you to not only stand out as a pre-PT applying to PT school, but you’ll also be setting yourself up for a successful career. Even as a PT student, learning how to earn extra money while killing it in PT school will make you that much more valuable!

What are some different ways to make money that you’ve heard of? What would be a good source of revenue? Here are some different side hustles that we think are good avenues for making some extra money:

Rehab aide/PT tech

This is definitely ...

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Received a Low Grade in a Prerequisite Class..What's Next?

So, you ended up getting a low grade in a prerequisite course. A required course to get into PT school. What happens now? What do you do next?

#1- You have to know why you got the low grade in the first place

You first have to figure out if you actually understand why you didn’t do well in that class. Why didn’t you get the grade you wanted? Were you motivated? Did you like the class? Did your professor not teach it well? Did you not understand the material? What was it about that class that caused you to get a low grade? Understanding the answers to these questions is a crucial first step. If you want to raise/continue to raise your GPA, you HAVE to understand those answers. You have to attack your weaknesses in order to bounce back.

#2- Attack the weaknesses that led you to get that low grade

Was it your motivation or interest level? Did you have other things in life going on at that time? Was sleep more important? Was going out more important? Did you have a job that you had to ...

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My Experiences with Early Decision and Finding My Niche

"My advice: stay true to yourself. Finding the right program for you is crucial."

Hi everyone! My name is Bri Zabierek and I am a first-year SPT at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science (RFUMS in short). When I applied during the 2017-2018 cycle, I chose to do early decision, or ED. Some people have heard of it, some people have not. So here’s my experiences with ED, what it means and things to consider when applying! 

First things first – What is early decision? Basically, ED is binding option to your first-choice school. You submit your materials very early – like within 2 months of the application opening – and if you’re accepted to that one school, you’re in. Your process is over. The catch is, it involves ONE program and NOT ALL programs accept ED applicants. So why did I want to do ED? Why did I commit my chances of being accepted to only one program so early? Well, I found my favorite program and I wanted in. That’s why.

This brings me to my second topic. If yo...

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Leveraging Yourself As A Student-Athlete When Applying To Physical Therapy School

“As a student-athlete, I haven’t had time to do much else.” As a collegiate athlete applying to physical therapy school, you may think you’re behind the 8-ball because you didn’t have the time to complete full-time internships, study abroad, or have a ton of campus involvement. Was all that time you put into honing your craft on the court/field really worth it when it comes to your future career? The answer is YES! Being a student-athlete is the best decision you have ever made in preparing yourself for graduate school and the professional world.

As an athlete, you have learned and developed skills that are directly transferrable to the profession of physical therapy and PT school itself. Everything you learn both on and off the field is not a back-up plan for life after sports, it is part of the rest-of-life plan for life after sports. Being a collegiate athlete requires rigorous mental and physical demands that directly correlate to the demands of physical therapy school. PT school ...

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My Pre-PT Story and What I Would Have Done Differently

It was a couple days before I started my first day of PT school. I was standing in our school’s parking lot looking up at the Wasatch Mountain range just a mile from where I was standing. It was quite magnificent for a Midwest girl who had just moved west for the first time. My dad had just called and during the conversation he asked, “Now Kristen you ARE 100% sure this IS what you want to do, right? You know that’s a lot of debt you’re going to accrue, I just want to make sure before you go into it.” 

“Yes dad, of course, this is what I want to do!” I remember this moment so vividly, answering that question with a positive “yes!” but actually thinking “I’m not 100% sure but I just feel it’s going to to get me where I want to go.” 

As a high schooler I thought I had to have my whole life figured out at age 16, and when I was a junior in high school I decided I wanted to be a physical therapist. So that’s what I set out to do once I started college. I decided on pursuing PT through an...

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Has Your Education Process as a Pre-PT Set You Up For Failure?

At Pre-PT Grind, one of our main purposes is to help YOU get into physical therapy school without wasting time or money. As you all know, YOU are the foundation and future of the constantly changing physical therapy field. Have you ever thought that maybe your education has set you up for failure? Now, before we dive into this topic, we are not talking about this to go against the education system. We are talking about this to really open up your mind to this topic. How you’ve been “trained” to learn from a young age can dictate the huge impact you can have- not only on other people, but also in your own journey as a pre-PT.

We also have to remember what the education system is there to do for us. For example, PT school is to make us competent, entry level clinicians. So, is it failing us? Not in that sense. Are they doing what they are supposed to do? Technically yeah! They are preparing you to enter into the workforce at a competent level and they are getting you enough information ...

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Pre-PT School Hacks: 8 Ways To Increase Your Acceptance Rate

It is the time of year where students and young adults across the country send in their applications to Doctor of Physical Therapy or Physical Therapist Assistant programs with the dream of joining the profession of physical therapy.  Some individuals are shoo-ins to get into their desired school of choice, while many others anxiously await the verdict that will be dealt to them.  I am writing this post to help the people that are worried that they will just miss the cutoff or feel there is no hope of getting into school.  These people know they are meant to be in this profession but are not given a fair chance because of a low GPA or some other circumstance.  This post is being written to show prospective students that there is hope and to clear the air of all the false claims on the Internet that you cannot get into physical therapy graduate school with a GPA less than a 3.0.  Point blank, those individuals did not try hard enough.  If you are reading this now, you will have almost a...

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If You Stay In Your Head, You're Dead!

Sometimes as pre-PT students, we get into our own heads when any major or minor thing happens. We overthink it until we basically send ourselves down a “hole.” Some of us have a really hard time coming out of that hole when we overthink things and start to doubt ourselves. Sometimes you might need a little help from other people who have been in your specific situation to help you OUT of that hole.

 "Get out of your HEAD and get into TUNNEL VISION MODE. You are CAPABLE!"

Let’s say you are preparing to take the infamous GRE. You invest a lot of time studying for it so you can put yourself in the best position to get into physical therapy school. You take practice exams, you go over practice questions, you buy the GRE workbook, and you practice writing the essays. But what happens when you get in your OWN head while you’re taking the actual GRE test? What if, all of the sudden, you get stuck, or blank out during it? This internalization of fear and anxiety can lead you to actually BEL...

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