Sooner Rather Than Later: Early Action Tips for Pre-PTs

As I look back on my pre-physical therapy journey that began in three years ago, I realized that many big decisions had to occur to get where I am today as a second year PT student. Most those decisions resulted in early action in which a simple thought or an idea lead to a plan of steps that were implemented into some sort of action plan that favored “premature” activity instead of “on-time” activity. As a mentor to Pre-PT students, I have always emphasize the importance of being early in anything they do. An important saying that one of my mentors, Greg, also says is that “speed wins”. No matter what task you have at hand, you are already winning if you have an early head start than your peers.

1. Make the Leap to Apply Early

One major “speed wins” decision that I am glad I took early action on was applying early to physical therapy school, specifically early decision.  During the beginning of my junior year of undergrad, I wasted no time in researching about the school I was...

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A Day in the Life of a Kinesiology Club President

“Beep! Beep! Beep!” The day starts as early as 4:30 in morning. First thing I do is take a sip of coffee and check my agenda to see what I wrote from the night before. I use my agenda as my “playbook” and follow through with the plays to score or defend the best I know how. By holding myself accountable, I am able to finish everything I wrote down. I see that I have my chemistry test at 8:30am, lower extremity assessment quiz at 10am, and from 11:00-11:45am, I will be preparing for a upper extremity assessment practical. I know I’m ready for all of them because I have prepared myself for any and all questions that the professor asks about the covered content. Oh- and I have a therapeutic modality quiz the next day.

Scanning my agenda again, I see I have a meeting for the Kinesiology club at noon. I go over the PowerPoint that will be presented and revise if needed.  I add that I will talk to the club about volunteer opportunities in outpatient/inpatient care and remind everyone of t...

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You Hear But You Don't Listen

"Who are we to think we deserve something for nothing?"

There are 365 pages in the book of life that we have every year. Every day is a new page and every month is a new chapter for us to read and analyze. It’s both selfish and foolish to think that every day is a guarantee because it’s not. We sometimes go about every day with the same mundane routine and we tend to just go through the motions. We generally want much more from life than we are even willing to invest in it. Who are we to think we deserve something for nothing? Let’s not kid ourselves and let’s not be naïve! We get what we put in, in certain areas such as: relationships, work, fitness, finances. Yet, people often are ignorant to what they have until it’s gone. You never see the opportunities or blessings until doors are closed or blessings are stripped away from you. Hopefully, I haven’t lost you by now with what I’m saying, and if I have, I’ll assume that the message was never really for you to begin with. The bli...

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