I want you to think about this: you have something you're excited about doing like going to a party or a concert or maybe on a date. You start getting ready hours ahead of time. You're so excited to go so you're not procrastinating for that. Why? Because it's fun. Your expectations are so high for this experience that you do not want to procrastinate. There’s no reason to. You're so excited for that opportunity that your actions to get that opportunity follows. And what are those actions? Everything but procrastination.
Now, let's think about it from the PTCAS perspective or from the perspective of studying for the GRE. We've been taught to have our expectations and standards so low for stuff and the mindset that “we don't want to do it” for so long that our actions follow. And what are those actions? Procrastination!
A lot of you are thinking, “well, I took this class before and I failed.” “I took the GRE before and I got a low score and if that's just going to happen again why...
Q: What is Accreditation?Â
A: A process in the United States that ensures the quality of education for the students
Q: Who grants Physical Therapy (PT) schools accreditation?Â
A: A body called “CAPTE” or Commission on Accreditation for Physical Therapy Education.
Q: Why is accreditation important?Â
A: In order to sit for your licensing exam and become a licensed Physical Therapist, you have to have graduated from an accredited institution.Â
How accreditation works
When PT schools are applying for accreditation they are applying to get accepted for accreditation, aka “Candidacy.” Candidacy means that a school is a candidate for accreditation.Â
The schools have to write down everything that they want to happen in school and actually do it. They have to say where the money is going. They say how much is going to a cadaver lab, how much is going to the teachers and the students. They have to break down every single lesson plan and every single test for ev...
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