PT School Is TOO Expensive!

There's one topic in particular that a lot of people question, "I'm considering not doing PT anymore because of how expensive PT school is." If you are locked into physical therapy, great! But if at any point you ever felt this concern, you are not alone and should continue reading. Now, my question to you, have you ever asked yourself that question, even if it was for a split second? But I'm telling you right now, this is a question that most people have asked because of the cost of physical therapy education, and we'll explain a little bit more. The cost of a PT school education has gone up.. people that went to PT school 20 years ago were not paying anywhere close to what most students are paying now, and this is the reality.

I'm not going to lie, PT is pricey, but so are all other health care programs. Do I wish PT school was less expensive? Absolutely! Anything to reduce loads and reduce debt- I'm here for it. But let's understand that this is a massive thing that's impacting h...

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I Have Been Waitlisted … What Should I Do Next?

What should I do after being waitlisted? 

  1. Cross my fingers and wait to see what happens 
  2. Lose hope
  3. Keep messaging the schools asking where I am on the list
  4. None of the above

   First, being waitlisted does not mean that you've been rejected. It's not the same thing. Being waitlisted is like being in the “friend zone”. Being in the friend zone does not mean that you cannot get in. But, you won't get in if you stop trying or you do the wrong things that can ultimately cut that connection. 

   Many times there's so much anxiety about and around being waitlisted because there's a huge lack of understanding and communication between the Pre-PTs and the schools. So all Pre-PTs are doing is messaging and saying, “Hey, I've applied,” and asking for updates. And it's not to blame you as a Pre-PT. You’ve been told to keep in contact, but incorrectly. “Well, what are things that I should be looking at, thinking about and actually doing when I have been waitlisted” you ask? Let’s cl...

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The Key To Making Your PT Dream Worth The Financial Investment

Check out some wise words from one of our mentors, Greg Todd!

"The reason why I can train students however I want is because I get the people.  I do the marketing and the advertising, not having to rely on anybody to get them for me. Therefore, nobody can tell me that I cannot play music at my conferences because I'm in charge of marketing and advertising. If we want to be able to help people, we can do it in a way that we see fit but we must learn a set of skills.  I have created a program for those that want to learn these skills. Particularly for healthcare professionals, whether you are going to go into PT or other areas. It's proven and tested. It is called the 2021 healthcare challenge.

You can impact so many people through pushing forward with your dreams of becoming a physical therapist but just adding one more thing to it. Just add this one more thing and you can make it sound so good for yourself, your patients, and your community. The program will teach you skills that wil...

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The Patient Cycle

Listen to what Greg Todd, one of our mentors, had to say during one of our livestreams:

Marketing and advertising must happen for a patient to come into your world. Once you have marketed and advertised to someone, you are starting to talk to people about a problem that they didn't know that they had. When they show interest, they realize that you might have a solution for them. That then moves them into the sales cycle. Which means that they know that there's a problem that they have. The solution to the problem is physical therapy. Once they are sold on doing a treatment, this is where most physical therapists only work. Physical therapist fulfills and treats clients. Once you finish fulfilling and treating, the patient cycle starts over.

In order to be in the top 1%, you must know how to do it all. The problem is that the doctor has marketed and advertised to the client. The doctor brought the client in and provided the script. The doctor did all the selling for you. So, all you m...

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Avoiding the Rejection Loop

A lot of students don't know they're in the rejection loop until after they apply and don't get into any programs. The rejection loop is something we recreate for ourselves. It is created from the fear of being rejected. We do things out of fear of getting rejected. Let’s say that I apply to as many schools as possible, any school that I know of, hoping that at least one of those programs will accept me. What happens is I might have applied to programs that are not a match for me. Then when I get rejected, I get a false result. A false result means that you were told that you were not a good applicant..even if we both know you ARE a good applicant. So now you believe it and take it personally.

Out of fear, we do things that give us a false result. In this case, the fear led to apply to as many schools as possible. The false result was there are schools that rejected us, but those schools were not a good match to begin with. We start to falsely believe that we are not good applicants a...

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3 Key Application and Interview Hacks Learned from 2 Street Performers

I went to Clearwater beach and came across a lot of street performers, but there were two that caught my attention. These two had the same gifts, but they had different results from the audience. One of them drew the crowd and the other did not. The reason why this happened involves you as an applicant. 

The first performer was good, but the crowd was not feeling it. There was another performer about 100 yards away and the crowd was locked in on what she was doing. She appeared just as gifted as the first performer, so the difference was not the skill level. As a Pre-PT, we put all our efforts towards our skills. You might feel like you're a solid applicant.. but students with a high GPA have been rejected before. 

The first person that was not drawing in the crowds was very gifted, but was self-promoting. She spent more time talking about her success and her accolades. She was saying how she was a professional street performer, spent many years doing this and her message was very co...

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Choose Wisely

You need to become the applicant that you would accept. Consider what kind of person you would accept, ask yourself if you are that applicant and work towards becoming that applicant. The type of applicant you become is a choice.

Why does Physical Therapy interest you? 

This is a common question, whether for an interview or an essay but often when answered there is a sense of struggle of trying to pull from something that's not there. The applicant recites things they've heard from other people because they are not that applicant that they would accept. There is something missing, that it factor is not there. They haven't become that person yet, they’re still faking it. 

There are five tips on how to become that applicant.

First, get to know the profession outside of your clinic or one person's perspective. Get to know physical therapy on a deeper level.  Get the perspective from a someone in home health and outpatient. Gain a big picture of what physical therapy is, learn about th...

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You're Running Your Own Race

It is usually a series of actions that lead to you becoming a dominant applicant. As I was running today, I learned five key things that can be applied as a pre-PT.

The first point is that experience always beats ability. When you have experience or done something before, you naturally have confidence in yourself that you don't have when you haven't done it before. As a pre-PT, you must understand that experience is going to be your advantage.

A personal experience, whether good or bad, is still an experience. This experience developed you into a certain type of applicant, whether that's rejection or grades that you struggled with. You can also leverage other peoples’ experiences. You can leverage other Pre-PT’s experiences, whether they are applying to the schools you've applied to, whether they're a year ahead of you, whether it's mentors or whether it’s other physical therapists. There is so much wisdom and experience that allows you to pace yourself properly, kind of like when I ...

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The Two Types of People that Hold the Key to Your Acceptance as a Pre-PT

Have you ever been in a situation where things aren't going as planned but you found somebody that helped you change your mindset for the better? Maybe they were able to redirect your focus and give you perspective. You might have found someone that probably had a much harder situation than yours and was able to explain how what they did or went through was far harder than what you're going through right now and it was helpful. That person was one of two people that hold the key to your acceptance.

In our lives, there are two types of people, the enabler and the motivator. You must choose very carefully who you share your frustrations with and who you're going to with your problems. Enabler means “a person or thing that makes something possible.” The very thing you are trying to make possible, the enabler is going to light that fire and make that “something” possible. For example, if you're going to them with the mindset of “I'm never going to get accepted” then they're just lighting ...

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What Are You Preparing Yourself For?

Every part of our journey is preparing us for something. But, are we looking at our current situation in the type of light that would be important to look at it in order to become a successful Pre PT, as we pursue Physical Therapy school? 

Opportunity does not waste its time with people who are not prepared. 

It's going to pass you by and find somebody else who's been working harder than you. Someone who has been prepping more than you because they might have been a little bit more hungry than you are at this time.


You have to be ready for your opportunity.

Depending on where you are in your pre-PT journey, you have to be preparing a little bit different of course. However, you have to see the end goal whether it be your interview day or your acceptance letter day. You have to have that in mind so you are prepared for it when the opportunity comes. You have to prepare for what you're going through now because that next opportunity is focused on today's preparation. 


The long...

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