The Only Way To Be Successful as a Pre PT

Here are some key things you should know.. because I want to make sure you dominate. One thing that can hold you back as a pre-PT is not taking it upon yourself to figure out what the solution is. It is important when reflecting on your solutions that you are not blaming others, like blaming professors for your low GPA. Listen, we all had crappy professors, but in this situation where you have a low GPA, I want you to think “What am I going to do about it?” I want you to take action right now on those situations. The second you put your success on someone else you have failed but the second you put your success on yourself, you succeed. When you take action on your success it is completely different and it's not passive.

There are three key steps to be successful, number one, you got to do the work. What I meant by doing the work is to figure out what action to take and just do it. An example of this is doing the work to match ourselves up for those PT schools. Or if you are retakin...

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The Fastest Way Stopping Yourself from Getting into PT School - Are You Making This Decision?

The topic today is; it's common sense. Have any of you ever heard those three words? Maybe when you have been preparing for the GRE or PT cast and someone says, "it's common sense." If it was common sense, well, the truth is every single one of you would already be in PT school. Some of you may not have heard those three words. The truth is what holds people back with that statement is that it discredits the detail of what has to take place for you to set yourself up for your PT application. These details can be holding you back, whether it's a low GPA or GRE but, to say it's common sense means one of two things either we have forgotten what we went through, or we are saying it was much easier than it was. We remember memories that showed it was not a straightforward journey, but we will remember it as being much lighter than it was. These actions can throw people off because we're like, "don't worry about the GRE and don't worry about focusing on the program that you're going to app...

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One THING to look for when ASKING Advice From Others

We all love taking advice from people we love, right? Everybody has an opinion, and getting advice can be a good and dangerous area to play. When taking advice, be very aware of the advice bringing you closer to getting accepted into PTs rather than farther away. A lot of people will give you input on what they think you should be doing right now as a pre-PT. While that can be a good thing from the right person, it can also be a scary thing from the wrong people. It can feel like you're being pulled in multiple directions. You can be taking advice from people that are kind of contradicting each other which becomes overwhelming and messy.

What I want you to do is, especially with people that have never applied to PT school, when they're giving you advice, ask yourself what they're telling me to do, or how they're advising me. Is it bringing me closer to my dream of becoming a physical therapist or, is it taking me away? Understand that when most people are giving you advice, they might...

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