What is Your Identity Tied To?


There are so many different things that are in the back of your mind when you're applying as a pre-PT that really affect how you do. Let’s talk about identity crisis. 

An identity crisis is in short, when you have this moment where you really don't know who you are anymore. It's tied to something that really doesn't define you, but you lead yourself to believe it.

What does that mean?

We're all human beings, but as a pre-PT applying to PT school you've been gifted with the ability to be you. When we go through certain obstacles many times we associate those obstacles with who we have become. Whether it's the GRE (fourth time taking it or fifth time taking it) or being rejected and looking at that and saying, “that's just who I am.” You might even be thinking, “last year I applied and I felt like I did everything in my power to have the best possible application. But it just didn't work out. So, I'm trying again this year, but I have even more doubts because now I'm seeing all o...

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