The 3 Dangers of "Arriving"

What if I told you that achievement is never the end game?  It almost seems like yesterday when my peers and I gathered for the first time as classmates in our Doctor of Physical Therapy program with many of us having never met before. Each individual came ready to embark on a journey with a common goal to change countless lives for the better. Despite the individual obstacles each one of us had to face just to make it into this particular program, there we were, together in one room, at the starting line of the race to being physical therapists.  It was the beginning of one of the biggest hurdles we would face as students, but it would be faced together. As much as I would like to say that I am close to achieving my goal now and “making it,” it strangely feels like I’m only at the beginning, as if I’m just getting started.


In a recent conversation with my little brother, who is currently in 8th grade, about his personal hopes and dreams, I found myself thinking back on how I viewed...

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5 Facts You'll Learn in PT School

You’ve made one of the most important decisions of your life: you’re going to PT school. If you’re like me, you just walked across the stage to grab your diploma (classic right hand shake, left hand snag) and are well on you way to a highly anticipated summer break prior to starting your program.

To get to this point, you’ve likely meticulously researched schools and have read countless blogs (like this one! Hey, everyone.) to best prepare for the impending transition. Let me iterate that nothing can really prepare you for the big upheaval that is a doctorate level physical therapy program. That being said, here are a few facts and tips that I wish I had known before starting PT school. 

  1. You’re not alone…ever

Reassuring? Maybe. Creepy? Slightly. Baseline message: you will likely be spending a LOT of time with your cohort members. I know that, when it came down to choosing PT schools, I ended up going with my gut as to which program gave me the best feeling...and quite often,...

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“I can get into physical therapy school on my own, I’m not investing into some program that can’t even guarantee I will get into school.”

These were my initial thoughts when faced with the decision of buying into a new system or to keep doing what I had been doing to get into a PT program. Ignorance is bliss, but this was the one time I couldn’t ignore what my gut was telling me. We are always so quick to give other people advice, but hypocritically tend to neglect our own intuition. If we listened to ourselves more, and took more chances how much further would we be on the journey to success? Chances are, we would be significantly further. I have always told those close to me if you really want something in life you must have a burning desire for it and be willing to take chances and make sacrifices. I put my pride to the side and I scheduled a call to talk to one of the founders of Pre-PT Grind LLC, Joses Ngugi. I knew that if I wanted to get into physical therapy school I had ...

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